toinkk toinkk!! i'm in library..waiting for my next class at 4...tempah
blik perbincangan,tp bkn nak wat menda's normal
right...remaja la katakan...kikiki...
anyway,just now one of my friend ask me.."hariz,tranquility tu ape..??"since this word is not really familiar with us,let me explain the real concept of tranquility...huhu...mengikut kefahaman saya,tranquility is the same meaning as K.E.T.E.N.A.N.G.A.N..ketenangan...that is from my understanding laa...but,when i refer to some sorts of source that can be trust,i found these:
- calm
- serenity
- quiet
- calmness
- rest
- quietness
- composure
- sobriety
had heard his name,ramai yg x tau sape mat salleh ni..
actually, he is one of the president of United States..
Abraham Lincoln once said,
“A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”
In this, Lincoln was describing a state of mind, tranquility, which is not depend on outer circumstances.Was he right? Is such a state possible? Can you really be happy no matter what happens to you? The answer is yes, you can, but it is not a habit that comes naturally for most people. You will need to work at it. You will need lots of practice. You will need to change your mindset.When we involve in problems,stay calm and don't panic.Remember that all of us will dabble in problems,so,try to find the best solution by thinking wisely..
TING TONG!!!ehem ehem!!For me and myself,i really believe that serenity state can be achieved by some tips which are:
1.tell the truth-lying takes a lot of energy.when we are about to lie to someone,our mind are not in a equilibrium state.we will striving to think the best way to hide our deception.however,just imagine if people know that we are lying,might be our credibility will fluctuate and since then, people around us will never believe us anymore.
"i ade kawan,xyah la gtau nama dy k..dy ni always cita kat member2 dy(termasok i la tu)about his luxurious life..sal umah dy,keta2 fmily dy,pasal percutian dy(goald coast la konon..).dipendekkan cita,one day one of his family accident..kitorang pon p la melawat dy based on address of his house that we get from sumber2 yg bley dpercayai..bila da smpai umah dy,alangkah terkejutnya kitorang bila tgk bungalow 3 tingkat yg dy dok cita2 tu dah transform jadik umah semi d..!!!merc dah evolve jadi persona...!!starts from that moment,we don't believe whatever he said...senang cita,be honest!!honesty is the best policy(tingat waktu zaman sekolah dulu)"
2.let go-Let go of the need to be perfect, no one is. Let go of the need to be in control all of the time, no one is. Let go of the need to be efficient and organized all the time, no one is. Let go of the need to do it all, no one can. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Give yourself a break. It’s okay to let things slide from time to time. It’s okay to not always have it together. The more you’re able to let go and be accepting of the way things are the calmer and more serene your life will be.
3.get on with sports-put your shoes on and play!!no matter what sports or games it is, just enjoy it(even x reti main)but,for me myself i prefer play something that i this way,i could enhance my self-esteem..ting tong!!huhu!!!-senyum seindah suria,yg membawa cahya,senyumlah dari hati,duniamu berseri...i believe almost all of us know this is the easiest way to live in tranquil and stay me!!smile..and the whole world will smile with you..(n_n)
5. leave to god,tawakal!!
huhu...i think that's all from me in this time being...
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